lauantai 19. helmikuuta 2011

End of the world.

One of the first things I remember clearly about my significant other was answering my cell phone when he was calling me via Skype. Back then I thought he's pretty much of an asshole and that Skype would never have any remarkable meaning in my life. It's easy to guess that I was wrong on both of the cases.

When you talk with a close friend living far away, you create a new world, a combination of both of your worlds. Part of you is there, part of him is with you. It's a nice mixture of different worlds that make you feel like the distance wasn't that big after all. If I can hear the sound of a mug hitting the table in a house on a street thousands of kilometers away, it can't really be that far away. If you hear the sounds of the life that you used to be part of, it must be easy to be part of it again.

Time for doing something else instead of talking with a dear friend always comes. When you hear the call ended -sound, for a moment it feels like it's the end of the world. The world you two just created and that reminded you of a lot of things suddenly disappears. You can't hear the sounds of a distant apartment anymore. Suddenly the distance feels bigger than ever before and you wish you could put together pieces of past to create a better future with less missing.